In this short video we look at the impact of climate change, Cardano’s approach to sustainability from first principles, how we apply sustainable investment in practice, sustainable bonds and stewardship.
If children are given the opportunity to meet enthusiastic experts from a variety of fields, they will gain the knowledge they need to become who they want to be. Based on this philosophy, the IMC Weekendschool Foundation has offered additional and enriching education to children from neighbourhoods with a crucial need for this for over twenty years. Cardano has supported this initiative since 2005.
Our September 2020 article introduced concepts that trustees should be aware of when assessing the sustainability implications of their scheme’s investments in derivatives. To recap, these considerations for trustees fall into three broad categories. This article further explores these themes.
PRI (Principles for Responsible Investment) is the world’s leading proponent of responsible investment. Last Friday we achieved an important milestone: We submitted the PRI-report 2021 for investors. Here you can read some of the highlights of our 2020 work on sustainable investing.
The Investment Consultants Sustainability Working Group (ICSWG) endorses the Impact Investing Principles for Pensions from the Impact Investing Institute in partnership with Pensions for Purpose. The Principles are a set of guidelines on how to initiate, implement, review and measure an impact strategy.
“Our ultimate aim is to reduce poverty in low-income countries by becoming a centre of excellence for local-currency credit solutions for infrastructure finance.” Says Nicole Xu of GuarantCo. They provide guarantees for infrastructure investments in low- to lower-middle income countries. Read the full interview.
Analyst Amadeus Bringmann works for TCX, a company operating under the umbrella of Cardano Development whose core business lies in managing currency risk. TCX describes itself as ‘offering a global solution to currency risk in frontier markets’. But what exactly does that mean? And what’s in it for impact investors?
Impact investing is all about investing in order to generate a positive, measurable social and environmental impact alongside a financial return. Cardano seeks to achieve this through a not-for-profit foundation called Cardano Development, which specialises in financial risk management for development finance. So how does it work in practice?