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Interest rates

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    In line with market expectations, the Bank Of England’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) again voted to maintain interest rates at 5.25%. Read Ross Barr’s, Senior Multi-Asset Strategist, comments on the latest decision, how inflation trends have improved through the year, and how fiscal conditions will limit the incoming government’s room for manoeuvre here.

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    On 9th May, the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee again voted to maintain interest rates at 5.25%. Notably, the vote was split (7 to 2) with a minority of MPC members voting for a rate cut to 5.00%. Read our thoughts here on the latest decision and the updated economic forecasts.

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    The Bank of Japan ended its 8-year regime of negative interest rates, abolished yield curve control (YCC), and phased out purchases of risk assets. David Goldberg, Investment Strategist, gives his thoughts on the market outlook and what the shift in policy means here.

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    Today, the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) again voted to maintain Bank Rate at 5.25%. Shweta Singh, Chief Economist at Cardano, shares her thoughts on the latest decision and economic forecasts

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    2023 proved to be a curious year for the global economy and despite rising geopolitical risks and the cost-of-living crisis, the global economy remained resilient. Unfortunately, the outlook for 2024 is a little bleaker and investors need to be both patient and cautious. Shweta Singh explains more in this outlook article.

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    Nick Agius, Director at Cardano Advisory, comments on November’s UK company insolvency statistics.

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    The Bank of England holds interest rates at 5.25% today, Shweta Singh, Senior Economist at Cardano, shared our thoughts on this.

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    Shweta Singh, Senior Economist, shared our thoughts:

    Recent labour market and inflation data, which show labour market rebalancing and inflationary pressures easing have just proven sufficient for the Bank of England to ‘wait and see’ how inflation trends continue to develop through the Autumn. Shweta Singh, Chief Economist, shares her thoughts on the latest interest rate decision.

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    In our latest Covenant Quarterly, we discuss the Chancellor of the Exchequer’s first Mansion House speech. We also cover debt maturities, the ISSB framework and the implications of funded reinsurance.

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    In our latest perspective piece, Michael McElligott and Hamish Reeves discuss the need for contingency planning and scenario testing as M&A starts to increase.

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    Shweta Singh, Chief Economist at Cardano, shares her thoughts on the Bank of England’s decision today to raise interest rates to 5.25% “The Bank of England (BOE) voted 6-3 to raise the policy rate by 25bps to 5.25% in one of the most divided decisions since the tightening cycle began in December 2021. The decision is […]