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Scheme Surplus: What does it mean for trustees, corporates and investors?

Scheme surpluses are firmly on the agenda of defined benefit pensions stakeholders right now. Surpluses have recently emerged following the rapid rise in gilt yields whereas previously they were seen as something to be thought about in the future, should they arise.

In this series of our bite-size videos we outline the implications of the recently emerged surpluses, considering the viewpoint of different stakeholders: trustees, corporates and investors.

Watch the six videos from our experienced team explaining the key points.

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Welcome to our bite-size video series

Now scheme surpluses are firmly on the agenda, we outline three key steps that stakeholders should take when considering a possible surplus.

The videos cover considerations for journey planning; the sustainability perspective; how to access surpluses; and what investors and corporates should think about.


Video: 2 minutes 38 seconds

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Covenant and journey planning considerations

In this video we outline what trustees need to think about when it comes to surpluses and how they should take potential surpluses into account in broader journey planning discussions.


Video: 3 minutes 26 seconds

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The ESG perspective

In this video we consider sustainability factors and explain why it should also be at the core, for trustees and sponsors, when deciding how to act if a surplus arises.

Sustainability may not be the first thing that is thought about when considering the use of surplus. However, it is a key factor in successfully transitioning to either a buyout or run-off scenario.


Video: 3 minutes 25 seconds

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Options for accessing scheme surplus

In this video, we look at considerations relevant to accessing scheme surpluses through insurance and alternative solutions.


Video: 2 minutes 53 seconds

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The corporate perspective

For the first time in years, many corporate sponsors are thinking less about deficit repair contributions, and more about whether their pension scheme is in surplus.

Nick Gibson explains what corporates should be thinking about to avoid a trapped surplus.


Video: 2 minutes 45 seconds

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The investor perspective

In this video we consider the investor perspective. Given the improved DB scheme funding levels, we explore what investors need to consider to understand any residual pension risk, and to unlock value in a transaction context.

Alex outlines three key takeaways.


Video: 2 minutes 40 seconds

Trapped surplus – what should trustees think about?

Read our Perspectives piece in which we outline three key steps trustees should take when considering potential surpluses.

Funding and Journey Planning

Journey planning involves setting a scheme’s long-term target, the time to take in getting there and the risk that can be run along the way.